Need help?

Bugs & Improvements

If you experience bugs, errors and faults or have a suggestion which will improve the E-Learning experience contact the E-Learning team on elearning"at"

If you need any assistance contact UniSea service desk.

Contact Details
Opening hours is 08.00-16.00 CET+1 on email and telephone.

Email: support"at"
Telephone: +47 52 84 44 30
UniSea Remote:
(Download UniSea Remote after you have spoken with the servicedesk team)

Bugs & Improvements

If you experience bugs, errors and faults or have a suggestion which will improve the E-Learning experience contact the E-Learning team on elearning"at"

If you need any assistance contact UniSea service desk.

Contact Details
Opening hours is 08.00-16.00 CET+1 on email and telephone.

Email: support"at"
Telephone: +47 52 84 44 30
UniSea Remote:
(Download UniSea Remote after you have spoken with the servicedesk team)