UniSea E-Learning

Take courses, get certifications and learn how UniSea Software works

Points & Badges

Earn points & badges by completing your training to compete on being the highest score in the company


Take courses and get certified in UniSea Software. When a certification is awarded after course completion, it can be downloaded as a printable PDF, shared by mail or directly to LinkedIn.

Anytime, Any Place, Any Device, Any Pace

UniSea E-learning is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and anywhere in the world as long as it has
Internet access. Users can access courses at any time and complete them in sections to fit the training into an
already busy schedule. This means that a user can start a course in the morning and continue where he left off
the day after or some other time without losing any progress. UniSea E-learning gives the user full flexibility to
accomplish his goals, on his own time.

Updated and relevant content

When UniSea software modules get important updates or new modules are added, the included library of UniSea
software courses will get updated too. As courses are updated with new content, users will be notified and encouraged
to re-certify. Most certifications have a one-year duration. Users will get a notification one week before
the certificate expires, so they have time to re-certify.